Announcement : 

Welcome to Cockle Bay School! 

P.T.N. (Parent Teacher Network)

Parent Teacher Network

Parent Teacher Network

The Cockle Bay School Parent Teachers Network (PTN) is a group of parents who come together to support the school in providing the best for all children.

The PTN provides a means for parents and the school to build a successful partnership, based on the best interests of the children we share. By getting involved in the work of your PTN, parents, teachers and children benefit from the knowledge and insight shared.

Some examples of PTN activities are:

  • Fundraising
  • Discos
  • Second-hand uniform sales
  • Parent get-togethers

The PTN meetings are usually held once or twice a term in the school staffroom, on a Tuesday or Thursday evening starting at 7:30pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, which are advertised in the schools fortnightly newsletter. We encourage at least one parent from every classroom to attend, to show support for the wonderful work undertaken by the P.T.N. So, please consider coming along, to at least one meeting each year.

The P.T.N. Executives are:

  • Chairperson – Anna Coates

  • Vice Chairperson – Holly Yu

  • Secretary – Jo Catty

  • Treasurer – Jack Chng

  • Principal – Dorothy Bigwood

  • Teacher Representative – different teachers attend each meeting

If you wish to contact the P.T.N. about any fundraising, parent-based topics, social occasions, community services etc., then please contact the secretary by email:

Friends of the P.T.N. – Members of the school community who would like to be kept updated on P.T.N. activities, and help out where and when they can.

Latest Fundraisers will be posted as they occur.

Charities Registration Number CC34174

Incorporated Society Registration Number 886994


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