Announcement : 

Welcome to Cockle Bay School! 

Newsletter – 10 April 2024

Cockle Bay School
School Newsletter
Children and their learning at the heart of all we do.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Whānau

Kia ora tātou

We are coming to the end of a very busy, successful term. Classes are very settled and teachers are focussed on ensuring that students are happy, confident and fully engaged in learning. Thanks staff, for all your work to make this a reality for every child. 

Parents and whānau, it is lovely to see you so often in our school, participating in all the opportunities we offer. This strengthens our partnership and shows your child/children how much you value school and learning. 

Recently the media has reported that N.Z. students are the worst behaved in OECD countries. The Educational Review Office states that “Good classroom behaviour is critical for creating learning environments in which students can learn and achieve, and teachers can be most effective. But ensuring positive behaviour isn’t just up to schools – it requires shared responsibility and deliberate, joint actions.” Managing classroom behaviour takes skill, and support from the school, the Ministry and parents. I want to take this opportunity to thank our many parents who have taught their children at home how to be considerate towards others, and benefit from learning opportunities offered. Helping children learn to manage their emotions and consider the viewpoints of others can be challenging. Any parents seeking some extra support with evidence-based strategies might like to contact our SENCo Ivy Narot (

PTN Colour Run

If you are free to come and enjoy the fun, consider joining the PTN’s Colour Run tomorrow, starting at 1:00pm. 

The PTN will make a decision by 11:00am tomorrow if we are to postpone (only if it is really stormy). They plan to go ahead, if at all possible. The Savings Day is Thursday, 2 May (Term 2 Week 1). Hot dogs and ice cream (pre-purchased on Kindo) will still go ahead this Thursday, regardless of the weather.

Staff News

Dale Manson-Mathews has worked in our school since 2009, first as a teacher aide and for many years in the office. More recently, she has managed many aspects of Health and Safety, as well as contributing to a smoothly running office, sickbay and reception. We all know her to be very caring, thoughtful and committed to Cockle Bay School. Recently, she has upskilled in Health and Safety, in order to pursue a career in this area. I congratulate her on winning a job managing Health and Safety at Macleans College. She will remain at Cockle Bay School in her Health and Safety role but is leaving her office role. It is not goodbye Dale, but thank you for all you have done to contribute over the years. The school will be restructuring an office role and advertising a part-time position early in Term 2.

A new entrant class is starting at the beginning of Term 2. There continues to be a shortage of primary school teachers for full-time, part-time and relieving work. We are delighted to welcome Vanessa Short (3 days) and Laura Edgar (2 days) to share a class in Room 31, and feel very fortunate to have appointed two experienced, well-known and trusted teachers.

School Grounds

The swimming pool is closing at the end of term (Friday, 12 April), so keyholders are asked to return their tags to the school office. Over the holidays there will be workmen on site, as follows:

  • Room 7 and 8 rebuild – almost finished, followed by portacom removal
  • School fence upgrade – MOE funded, with some changes to layout

The community is welcome to enjoy our facilities, but children need to be actively supervised at all times. Please ring the police if you observe acts of vandalism. Caretakers will be on-site during working hours.

Very best wishes to everyone for the April break. 


Ngā mihi


Dorothy Bigwood


Term 2 Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday 9th May, 1pm – 7pm

Students are asked to go home at 12:30pm

For students to reach their potential and take full advantage of the learning opportunities provided at school, it is important that parents and teachers need to work together. To promote a constructive home-school learning partnership, individual conferences between parents and teachers will take place to discuss progress and student needs, and it is hoped that all families will participate. 

Term 2 Parent Teacher Conferences are being held on Thursday 9th May, 1pm – 7pm

This Parent Teacher Conference is an opportunity for teachers to talk about how students have settled into their new year level, and home and school can work together to support shared goals and progress.  This will help you and your child’s teacher to support your child, and continue to foster positive learning experiences. 

Please note that school will finish at 12.30pm on this day and you are asked to collect your child/children at this time. If you cannot do this, the school will provide supervision, but as most teachers are involved in conferences, we hope you can help us by making alternative arrangements. Please fill in the form that is to be shared by your child’s teacher so we know your plans for your child/children. Thank you.

Conference times are booked online and will be open for bookings today. 

Bookings close at 12.30 pm, Monday 6th May

Parents are always welcome to speak with class teachers during the year as needed. This is best arranged through an email or by popping in before/after school to make a time. Team leaders, our SENCo and the senior leadership team can always be available for unresolved concerns.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

The PB4L focus for the past few weeks has been on friendships and fostering an environment of inclusivity. As young children are still learning how to socially regulate themselves, it’s vital we teach them the skills. This has a direct impact on student’s health and well-being as they feel socially and emotionally connected to others at Cockle Bay School. The skills of being inclusive and being able to maintain friendships will carry the children throughout life.

Students have been learning how to be a good friend and what this looks like. It’s also important for students to value the similarities between themselves and others (including peers, teachers, and parents) but to also understand that we all have differences. The similarities and differences make the world an interesting and unique place which we need to celebrate. 

At home, you might like to reinforce the importance of friendships and inclusivity. Below is a link to a book which celebrates the similarities and differences of people all around the world.


CBS Annual Shoe and Coat Collection

It’s that time of year again, when you get your children to try on their winter coats and shoes and NOTHING fits! We know many items will be in great condition and we would love for you to donate them to our PTN.

For the past six years, we have collected coats and shoes in good condition and donated them to an Auckland school. This year is no different, and we are excited to team up with Ruapotaka School in Point England. Ruapotaka has 124 students, and they also support siblings, the wider whanau and local community. So as you are cleaning out your wardrobes these school holidays, please keep these items aside.

We are happy to collect adult and kids-sized coats and shoes, as well as sports shoes – washed and in good condition please.

Collections will be before and after school on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May, and on Saturday 11th May (time TBC) at Room 33 (by the old Kiss and Go). More details to follow.

Health & Safety

We have been very pleased to see so many of our students walking to school. Thank you parents, we have seen a marked improvement in traffic congestion. Now that we are heading into autumn, please continue walking and invest in a raincoat or umbrella for your child.

Dates for your Diary:

11 April – PTN Colour Run

12 April – END OF TERM


Quick links to our school website:

School Calendar

Term Dates (website home page)

School events

Each term we review the content and implementation of our school policies and we ask our school community to participate in this process. Please go to our website, and under “Our School”, select “Policies and Procedures”. Here you will find a Push Button that says “Go to Policies” and this will take you through to the SchoolDocs site where you will see a blue button labelled “Reviews”. Select the policy that you wish to review from the list of topics, then select the push button “Start your Review”. Username: cocklebay. Password: sandspit.

This term the policies under review are:

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Board Responsibility

Parent Involvement

Communicating with Parents

Community Conduct Expectations

School Planning and Reporting

Reporting to parents on school progress and achievement

Collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers for your school’s share of the $200,000 free Sport sports gear prize pool. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get, so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!

Sticker Collection Sheet

KiwiSchools is our main means of communication. You can register an absence and locate all up-to-date information, as well as access current/previous newsletters. The app is located in your phone’s app store and is called KiwiSchools Connect – use the QR code to the left to download this.

Once you have downloaded the app, search for Cockle Bay School and then save this as your school of choice. You will then be able to keep up to date with regular communication and notifications. Please ask at the office if you have any problems accessing the app.


Botany Taekwondo has been training the ITF style of Taekwondo at Cockle Bay School for over 15 years.

Come and have some fun with us get fit and learn a new skill with qualifications that are recognised around the world.

We operate a 2 week free trial. Want to know more? Visit our website at or just turn up at 6:00pm on Wednesday nights and say “hi”. All ages and abilities are welcome.

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