Announcement : 

Kia ora!   Welcome to Cockle Bay School.  ** Year 1 Kea  & 2 Tui Musical Instrument Making Show Monday 29th July at CBS **            

For your info

The Portacoms(temporary classrooms) are being removed.  Currently there is no parking on Paparoa Road and very limited movement of traffic, with Stop/Go signs operating. We recommend you find an alternative route, park and walk today. Apologies for this inconvenience. Dorothy Bigwood

PTN Update

Hello CBS Whānau   Thank you to everyone who attended the PTN AGM on Tuesday night. We elected a new Treasurer, Jack Chng, and along with myself, Holly Yu, and Jo Catty, we look forward to leading the PTN until June 2025. I also want to thank Jay Chen for his contribution to the PTN … Read morePTN Update


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