Announcement : 

Kia ora!   Welcome to Cockle Bay School.  ** Year 1 Kea  & 2 Tui Musical Instrument Making Show Monday 29th July at CBS **            

Parking Around Cockle Bay School

Temporary classrooms for Rooms 7 and 8 will be craned onto the staff car park near the Litten Road shops next week, probably Wednesday 18th October. They will then have decks built around them and a toilet block installed. 

As of tomorrow, Thursday 12 October, fifteen staff will be unable to park in this staff car park, and will park in designated parking areas on the roads around the school. Staff will have special dispensation notices on their dashboards, so their cars can be identified. The police and Auckland Transport have been notified.

Dropping off and collection parking options for parents may be affected somewhat. Your understanding and patience during this time of increased congestion on the roads around our school will be greatly appreciated. Allowing a little extra time, or finding a drop off/collection point further away from the school are suggested. With summer coming, walking to and from school (with an adult or in groups) are the best options, giving children fitness, social opportunities and independence.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation and support in this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Dorothy Bigwood


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